Эх сурвалж:
This is a listing of 321 sites that legally offer free books (eBooks) for download or for online viewing.
Some time ago I went looking for some free eBooks and was surprised to find that there are many resources for this. I decided to put together this list of sites that offer free eBooks as a reference. Since there are so many, I was not able to check each one out thoroughly. So comments from you on any of these sites would be appreciated and added to the comments in the article.
I have tried to make certain that all of the eBooks at these sites are legally available for viewing/downloading. However, it is possible that I have made a mistake. If you suspect any of these sites of illegally offering copyrighted materials, then please
let me know.
Putting this together was exhausting, but the list is not exhaustive, so I encourage you to post any sites that you know of that are not listed here.
The listing here is in alphabetical order. Given the size of this list now, it may be easier to search by
genre. I have set up 14 pages here of different genres. If you do not see one that covers your interests, let me know and I may be able to put one together.
I have also put together a listing of sites that offer free and legal audio books at
These listings may be search in the following methods:
Alphabetical Listing
2020k Large collection, divided into categories and sub-categories for download in a variety of formats.
Note: Many of the links to the Internet Archive from this site are not working.
4tenderheart offers unique stories for online reading and also two television readings of Sir Pot stories.
AdamWasserman offers his scifi work "Gyges the Terrible" for free download in ebook format. Also other fiction works at his site.
Alexandra Marell
offers 4 of her works for free download after free registration at her site.
AllBooksFree A small, but unique, listing of free fiction ebooks, available for download, mostly in pdf.